Understanding Basics of User Interface

Harshita Belwal
2 min readMay 22, 2021


We get all our information through the screens nowadays as we all are constantly looking at these different screens of our phones/laptops/tablet and learning how to do things.

When we are trying to interact with the world through the screen. While interacting, we are used to certain conventions of the interface like the usage of buttons and menus. We basically understand that how we have to access the information through the screen using the interface flashing in our screens.

There is some level of flexibility present in this way of accessing the information, with which the UI Designer plays and molds it in accordance with the experience, which they want to deliver to the user.

Key Components of UI are USER and INTERFACE . The user is viewer who is interacting with the content and interface is the medium through which user gets the ability to interact and access that content. This implies that the Interface is the bridge between the user and the content. This bridge has the ability to redefine the experience which user may have on accessing the content.

The medium effects the message, here in this world of UI, this medium is equivalent to an interface which is basically shaping the messages. As everyone experience everything through the screen that is through the interface, then we can surely conclude by saying that the interface designer has a lot of power in their hand as they are designing every experience that everyone may have.



Harshita Belwal

Hi, I am a Computer Science Engineering final year student, exploring and learning new stuff