Two Approaches for Designing the User Interfaces : Template Based and Content Based

Harshita Belwal
2 min readMay 23, 2021

Hi today, we are going to discuss about the two approaches for designing the User Interfaces.

Template Based approach is based upon the conventions while the content based is approach depends on the content.

Template based designs are predictable as they are based on the conventions so they are not that exciting. But keeping this in mind Templates might be useful if we have a need of arranging the big pool of similar type of information on the screen, like paintings of an artist. While working with template based designs we have little bit of flexibility too.

In Content based approach, our design entirely depends upon the content which needs to to displayed on the screen. A template can be used as a base, in terms of its functionality while designing but it has to be modified according to the content, or we can completely ignore the template by creating our own design which is in accordance with the content and satisfies all the Digital Conventions as well.

We often call Content specific design as the Context Specific Design as it depends on the content. As of now we all are aware that how the visual experience depends on the content but there are other factors also which are responsible for shaping these Interfaces. Like users, content and goals. Suppose there is specific group of admin users who are used to a particular digital experience, so keeping that in mind the Context Specific Design may alter as per the need. Similarly different content as discussed previously also can effect our designs. Moreover these designs can also be tempered by the certain desired goals.

When the content is strong or has a specific user group or specific goals,a template might not always be the best solution. The aim of the designer is to find the balance between the functionality of generic design and interface conventions and the specificity of different kinds of content or experiences that they want a user to have.

The interface Designers tries to give the user an aesthetic experience so that the content engages them more and at the same time they also tries to prioritize the functioning above all that is they don’t want the aesthetics to come in the way of the content. But the danger of the invisible experience by not prioritizing the aesthetics may result into a generic experience. The aesthetics gives the specificity to the digital experience whereas the functionality is coming from the interface conventions or the utility. The right trade off between the aesthetics and functionality will results into complete digital experience.



Harshita Belwal

Hi, I am a Computer Science Engineering final year student, exploring and learning new stuff